Joshua Karton, Communication Arts, Santa Monica, California, specializes in teaching litigators how to apply the personal communication skills and techniques of theatre/film/television to the art of trial advocacy.
He serves on the faculties and develops curriculum for AAJ’s Ultimate Course, the Gerry Spence Trial Lawyer’s College, NITA, the JAG Corps, ABA, NACDL, National Criminal Defense College, Loyola and California Western Schools of Law, numerous state t.l.a.’s and criminal defense associations, as well as maintaining a professional practice of individual case consultation and witness preparation. His thirty years of work in this field culminated in his preparation of the winning presentation to the United States Supreme Court in Hamdan v Rumsfeld.
The 2-day workshop, “APPEARING, LIVE, IN THIS COURTROOM!”™, is an intensive investigation into what turns presentation into persuasion. Class size is limited to allow each participating lawyer in-depth one-on-one training in a non-lecture, laboratory of courtroom communication. Attendees will focus on skills and techniques in areas such as:
* “I hereby authorize Trial Skills University to charge $2500 to the above credit card for payment of Trial Skill University seminar tuition. I understand that this fee is 100% refundable up to 60 days before the seminar date, 50% refundable up to 30 days before the seminar date and NON-REFUNDABLE thereafter.”
* Please bring a copy of your receipt to the seminar as proof of purchase.
600 S. Colorado Blvd., Denver
(303) 754-9800
*Room block is under Trial Skills University
720 South Colorado Blvd., Denver, CO 80246